Main Application

This page allows you to see the number of people affected by eye health conditions in different areas in the UK. These results are calculated using rates we have derived from the literature.
To recalculate using your own rates, go to the customise rates page.
To clear all selections and reset the site, click 'Reset'.

 Eye Condition

 Area Type


User Instructions

  • Step one: select eye condition from the left hand box.
  • Step two: select Area Type from the middle box. Please note that, while the ‘PCO Primary Care Organisation) England 2006 on’ boundaries are more up to date, the data are not as precise as the ‘Primary Care Organisation’ (pre 2006 in England) data, but both use 2001 population data.
  • Step three: select the area you want data for from the right hand box. If you click in the right hand box and type a letter, it will scroll down to organisations beginning with that letter.
  • Step four: click the ‘Get Data’ button. This will transfer the data you request to a table which will appear below. This can be exported to Excel and downloaded.

You can repeat this process as many times as you like to get different data for comparison. When you have the information you want on screen, you can print it or, if you wish to do further work with it, click on the ‘Export to Excel’ button which will appear with the table.

All of these data are calculated for recognised organisational boundaries, based on prevalence rates derived from epidemiological population surveys. If you want to use your own populations, (‘customise your own boundaries’ page), use different prevalence rates (‘customise rates’ page) or get further information, (further information and FAQ pages, click on the relevant sections on the menu bar at the top of this page.

This application, and the underlying research, was commissioned from PHAST CIC by the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, the Association of Optometrists, the College of Optometrists, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians and the Central (LOC) Fund. The consortium is very grateful to the Central (LOC) Fund for their very generous support of this project.

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